Friday, February 29, 2008

Medieval Marble

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

Two knights fighting over a prized medieval marble.
What kind of magic energy is bestowed upon the
wielder of this blue swirling sphere? Let's hope they
do not hit the marble and shatter it into a thousand
pieces. As usual, Captain America comes to the
rescue and saves the marble's glass. The mystical
energy of the marble has been imprinted into this
painting. The owner of this painting will have good
fortune for years to come. You are in on the chase.
Do not let this one get away!

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shell Shocked

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

Here is another egghead Mad Scientist ready to wreak
havoc on the planet. He is not so ready any more. The sun
will rise again because this mad scientist wasn't what he
was cracked up to be. Captain America, knew eggactly
how to take care of him. The moral to the this story, don't
do bad deeds or you will end up with egg on your face.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Crash and Burn

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

In this painting, Captain America, is strapping on his
shield, getting ready for another round. All in a days
work. He makes being a Superhero look so easy. At
least he is not being blown up, of course he even
makes that look easy.
The Crash and burn was me last week. The burn was
a temp. of 102.4 and the crash was the flu. Thank
goodness that is over. Enjoy and don't get caught
in the smoke.

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Friday, February 15, 2008


5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

Did this ever work? Put on a pair of classes and nobody knows who you are. Well if you don't know who this is, it's Agent 13. She is wearing my Great Grandmothers spectacles. If Captain America saw her, he would recognize her. But the bad guys, no way.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Incredible Hulk In A China Shop

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

Here is my second painting, in The Incredible Hulk Series. Who needs a bull in a china shop, when you have The Hulk. This would have to be a china shops worst nightmare. This lovely, raku shaker ball, was knocked off my shelf a few months ago. I finally found a reason for keeping the pieces. I sketched in a similar composition on a 14"x14" but instead of using the clay marbles, I used glass ones. I love this foot. It has so much character. Enjoy!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Silver Surfer Cheesecake Diet

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

Here is the second painting in my Silver Surfer Series. Every Super Hero has his weakness. I wonder if Raspberry Cheesecake dipped in Chocolate is his. Maybe he is saving the day and making a special delivery to someone in need of cheesecake. Could that be you? Whatever the case, this piece of cheesecake is rich in color but has no calories.

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Scarab Scream

Giclée Print $25.00

Here is the second painting in my Lucy series.
I painted this one at the easel. After I dropped Dr. Banner's Marble the other day, I have been leery of painting at the easel. I'm over it! I like the brush work I get from the easel verses the drafting table.
I've had these scarabs in a dresser upstairs and forgotten about them, until today. I have 10 of these little guys. I can see an attack coming soon.

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl 2008

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

In honor of last nights game, I give you Super Bowl 2008. OK. A bowl, sitting on a Marvel Super Hero comic of the earth. Not only is this a still life painting, it is also a landscape :)

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Friday, February 01, 2008

The Sweater Curse

5" x 5" oil on panel ..................................
$250.00 + $6.00 shipping in US

If you are a knitter, you have probably heard of the sweater curse. If you are not a knitter, you are going to think most knitters are nuts. Think Agent 13 would mess with this curse? I don't think so.

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